

Lorna, My Tempest!

"You may be an ocean's away but feels so close". Today, I lay on my warm, cosy bed, trying to snore off, but sleep has eluded me again. I have had that scary dream in the wee hours of this chilly morning again.

Over a hot cup of chocolate, I have thought about you, Lorna,
My tempest, my storm and the eye of a hurricane inside me.

Ever since you travelled to the land of the Queen, my life has never been the same. Our children inquire where you travelled, and why you have not returned?
But I have no answers yet, all I remember now, are just figments of your gentle and kind smile.

Karen, your seven-year daughter takes cares of her siblings, she has grown up quickly, Kate is at school now,
I manage the bookstore we built over the years, I have purchased more second-hand books from Australia,
the collection is adorable.

I have also built a digital library for eBook readers, I anticipate more subscriptions,
I know you will be pleased. I read some classics on my piano-black Kindle.
I laugh at the antics of Asteriks and Obelix, and of Tintin, and David Copperfield.

My dream tells me, you have fallen in love with someone else, a hunky Englishman, well connected and wealthy, and a royal,
I live on hope that this is just a dream,
a mirage in the desert,
I call you in the evenings but all I get is a voicemail, your children are restless now,
You have disappeared in the misty, clunky streets of Liverpool.

How I long to see you one more time,
Gaze into your dark, brown, sparkling eyes that enchanted me years ago,
Your oval, thin face that lit up my world then, and still does.

Nothing in this world is etched in stone, not even the great Queen who was entombed in the Taj Mahal,
her lover never thought the sands of time would take her away prematurely.

Life's a slippery trail we trod on,
We await your return to the land of 10,000 sunsets, a Pearl to Sir Winston Churchill, a paradise on the equator!

© Mwebe Morgan