

🐺 THE CAVE 🐺 (Part 11)
Mr.Herman asked in a doubt "Aden! Why did you inquire about Lancy?", Aden asked confused "Why? What happened?", I said in a cold tone "Tell me, why did you ask?", Aden said with a smile "I love Lancy!!", Mr. Herman and I asked in a shock at same time "WHA.....WHAT!!!!!", Aden asked confused "why??".

To which Mr .Herman replied in a cold tone "You know nothing about her! Then how can you fall in love with her??”, Aden looked at Mr. Herman and asked teasingly "What did you say, sir?", Mr.Herman adjusted his throat and said "Nothing!", And I shouted in angry "I will not let you fall in love with Lancy!!.

Aden asked me in a confused "why?", I said "Yes! You are a wolf's friend!What if something happens to my best friend?", Aden Said laughing out loud "Lia! Hahahah! Do you know something? Herman loves you!! ", When I heard that I just stood there without saying anything! because of shock!!.

I came from there and sat quietly in my cabin without saying anything! Aden and Mr. Herman were talking for a long time! Then it was too late for me to finish work! I was coming through the jungle at night to go home as soon as I finished work! Then the three followed me that night! I started walking fast and they started walking fast too!.

Then I started to run in fear! They followed me too! Suddenly a noise I saw back and they were running back in fear! Then Mr. Herman came out of the meadow like a wolf !! I fainted right there in fear! I opened my eyes and saw I was in his room at Mr. Herman's house !! His house was so cold! Mr. Herman was standing outside the room!

I asked him in the cold "Why is your house so cold??"......

🍀To be continued 🍀


© ms_writer_8