

The sun will always shine
The sun is Gods most brilliant creation. We cannot fathom Gods wisdom and how He placed the stars into place and how He created this world with such perfection.

Gods the creator of all things ..but I want to analyze the specific creation of the sun..The sun sustains the world..without the sun humankind would cease to exist. Plants make their own food..they photosynthesize because they get energy from the sun.

So similarly just as the sun brightens the world..God brightens our lives. The son of God came into the world so that we can gain eternal life, so we must realize we all experience our up and down days but just as the sun sustains the world..God sustains us no matter what we have to endure in our lives...

So we must feel the warmth of Gods embrace...and His immense light that always will shine upon us throughout our lives.

God radiates His sweetness and His light upon the world..He is the only true light of the world. Jesus is and always will be my saving grace always. He is my light through my darkest hour and my deepest distress. I always feel the warmth of Gods love and his loving embrace..Nothing compares to Gods most brilliant creation which is Jesus Himself..the light of this entire world. Never give up on God!