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"The Final Chapter"

Stranger ... Hey I have a surprise for you
Ruby .. What surprise listen I dont like surprises .
Stranger... let's meet one's Ruby
Ruby ... Are u insane we just meet yesterday I said you I will meet when I feeling meeting you so there's no point to ask for meeting
Stranger ... I know but I going out of of station the day after tomorrow so I was wondering why don't we spend whole day together it's my request to you come let's spend time with each other.
Ruby ... No samra I am so sorry but I can't meet you I think you did not understand me properly.
stranger ... Only one last time after all I am going from here for 2 months tomorrow is my last day in this city I hope u will not broke my heart I will wait at Julian metro station at 12.00pm .
Ruby ... I am not coming and you can't force me to come and it's over bye it was nice meeting you & having conversation with you take care for the rest of your life.
Stranger... You don't wanna come it's ok it's your choice but I will wait there for the last time before I leave this city I wanna see you Ones.
Ruby ... why don't understand Bye& have a good life .
Stranger ... Next day outside Julian metro station waiting for Ruby
Ruby... I don't like these things I told you I love my freedom & I do what I like ok i am coming but on one condition after this day we will be separated permanently I want to close this chapter of you &me .
Stranger ... Just come I waiting since 12.00pm & now it's 2.00pm
Ruby.. At same place looking Samra .
Stranger .. Thanks for being so understanding to me I got surprise for you
Ruby .. I hate surprises but what is it
Stranger ... It's big thing I cannot show you here come let's go to my house I will reveal it there .
Ruby ... No samra you asked me to come I m infront of you now don't expect me to come there .
Stranger ...ok let's go for a drive is it ok with you
Ruby ... Whatever but I have do go back before 5 .00 in the evening
Stranger ... Ok dear I will drop you at 4.00 pm now can we move
Ruby... Ok
Stranger...Ruby today's is my last day in this city & with you I want to tell you something after that you will be surprised do you remember last year a Random Guy texted you who was pretending that he loves you a lot
Ruby ... No I didn't remember what are you talking about I think you have got an incorrect information .
Stranger .. Definitely correct just give me few seconds I will show you hold on
Ruby ... I am getting late please drop me at the metro station I have to complete my project .
Stranger ... Ofcourse my dear I will drop you see this conversation between you and that guy this is you
Ruby .. Are you out of your mind what are you upto & what the hell is this what are u trying to say come to the point.
Stranger.. You have to die !
Ruby .. what ! are you maniac hold a sec I will call the cop and they will take you permanently out of this world.
Stranger... Sorry it was just a jokes 😂
I was kidding how coward you are
Ruby ... Coward just set-up and drop me to the metro station I don't wanna stay here with you
Stranger ...ok let's go back to your place hold on I have got a gift for you but it is kept in bounet wait I will give you
Ruby ... Ok but please move fast now
Stranger ... Samra having gift in his hands hey Ruby see what I got for you open up & have a look.
Ruby .. seems Good but I will open it at house now can you please drive now we should take a leave I think we are so much far away from the city what place is this .
Stanger. This is north side of the city if we go 5 km more there is short Cut road which is connected to city .
Ruby .. let'go 😡😡😡
Stanger... Ok don't scream there is one more surprise for you but I cannot show you i will do for you
Ruby ...?????? I think he made why am I here god save me from this moron I just wanna go home .
Stranger... car stopped I think car is overheated I have put some water stay inside car and give me 5 minutes I will be back don't Panic be calm & you are in save hands.
Ruby.. oh my gosh how stupid u are taking a girl on a drive and you come with this type of Toy car 😂
Stanger...locked the car & Standing out side the care started laughing & make a call on Ruby's cell phone said Ruby check your mailbox it's a surprise for .
Ruby... What's wrong with you are you crazy I don't like this and why did you locked the car .
Stranger.. listen see the mailbox first there is a picture u will like it
Ruby... checking mails and then she was shocked this picture is of Avinash he is in jail hey who the hell are you?
Stranger ...How Rude you are he was my brother he is no more because of you so I plane to trap you and kill you what was his fault he only loved you but what you did to him you just ruined his life his family his future he lost his life because of you he was my elder brother he told me every story of yours before commenting sucide because of your ego you jailed him u Know what happens when you jailed it is hell place you don't know how much he was suffering in this 12 months The day he is been released from the jail no one was ready to accept him even my parents also refused to accept him and his friends started teasing him he was topper of the school of the college & just because of he killed himself before his sucide he called me said I am just like nothing Samra I want to die I said him every thing gonna fine brother I m with you don't loose your hope we I am on my way I am coming to you and when I reached I saw him hanging at the roof that's why I decided to take a revenge on you and all this will end with you life & I forgot to tell there is a jammer inside the car you cannot call anyone text anyone now it's my final surprise I have broken the petrol tank I will give a fire and you will just drag to hell
Ruby ... I m sorry I was stupid please forgive me I will do what you say .
Stranger ... You have to die if I forgive you & let you go you do same with my other brothers in the world I cannot let go Countdown has started ask God to forgive you for your all Sins bye 10 9 8 7 b 5 4 3 2 1 I hate you go die.

Story ends over here .

© Utkarsh