

Wearing a dress as white as a snow doesn't make you beautiful and a good person
Possessing all the wealths in the world doesn't make you rich
Possessing strength and power doesn't make you strong and powerful.
Having a nice body shape, smooth and clear skin doesn't make you beautiful.
For what use is of white dress when it's been tainted with dirt?
And what use is of strength and power when their principles are unknown?
Again, what use is of a perfect physical appearance when the inward appearance is corrupted?
What use is of wealth when it is in the possession of an imposter?
Money is a treasure but a good personality is more of a treasure than money.
For what use is of money when it is in the hands of a wrong possessor?
Money can buy everything but not someone with good personality
Because a Person with a good personality is a much treasure than money - It's priceless
Personality can be bought but can be gained.
You can wear the most whitish dress in the world but what good will it make when the possessor is corrupted.
The dress we wear have nothing to do with our uniqueness but our Personalities play an important role when it comes to how special we are
What use is of wealth when you enjoy it with only your family members?
A person with good personality always thinks about the welfare of others
He or she is like the sun in the day and the moon at night.
How will the world be without the sun and moon.
Without them , all activities ceases and so it is with someone who has a good personality.
The difference we see in humans is dependent on their Personalities
People with good Personalities are the hope for the hopeless
They are the light in darkness
They are priority of every individual
People are not looking to be friends with those who are wealthy - for what use is of wealth when it is not shared? -
But are rather looking for those who understands them,those who can make them comfortable and those who can make them feel important. There are certain things that money can't buy and these things are the fruits if possessing a good personality.
Life is more meaningful when people look up to you with a sincere heart and when you think about people and bring a meaningful change in their lives through impartation.
Let's all practice and train our selves in to possessing a good personality for that is the key to unlock and activate all the hidden things in nature.

*Follow me on Instagram, (Cinderella Takyiwaa) and on YouTube (Cinder's voice - Subscribe to my channel,like my videos and your life will change through motivation) I love you all.

© Cinderella Takyiwaa