

Shadow Of Death
She saw it in the rearview mirror. It was coming up fast behind the car. Almost choking on her panic, she tried to start the stalled motor. But the car had stalled after running off the ice-covered road into a tree. She slammed her fists on the steering wheel in frustration. Fear burned inside her as she desperately turned the key and hit the gas with her foot. She had to leave immediately!

Throwing open the car door, she jumped out and ran away from the dead vehicle. She looked back once again and whimpered. The darkness was almost upon the car, swallowing everything in its path. She backed away slowly, watching in fear as the darkness overtook the vehicle, swallowing it whole. She tripped and fell backward, looking up and making eye contact with the darkness as it stood over her. She wanted to scream, but fear wouldn't let her. She felt the chill of the darkness as it reached for her, grabbing her by the fear and overtaking her.

Before surrendering, she turned her eyes to the mangled vehicle and saw herself still in the car slumped over the steering wheel. Then she understood. She opened her mouth to scream, but she was silenced as the darkness fell upon her and devoured her soul. She was never heard from again.

Death can be so cold.
© jdrodgers