

"Dark Corner"
In a city there was a cemetery called "Dark Corner" the citizens spreaded a rumour about a creature that it was like a bat, some said it was a demonic bat.
I brought my investigation team to the cemetry at 3:00 AM (it was the time people saw the creature) and started looking arround, we separated to teams of 2 Sam with Jordan and Me with Andrew, two hours later we went back to the car and went home.
Next day i called my investigation team again but 2 of them didn't pick it up i think Sam and Jordan are dead...
I went to Sam's house and noone was there, then i went to Jordan's house but noone was there either....
Me and Andrew went back to the cemetery to search if Sam And Jordan where there... until i saw Jordan's hat on a grave, on the grave was written "in loving memory of Jordan Nicolson" I was really confused, and i thought "if Jordan's here where is Sam?" Me and Andrew searched every single grave but we didn't find Sam...
An SMS was sent to Andrew, he looked at his phone and there wasn't a number or a name.. the SMS said "One goes with me and one goes with him"
Me and Andrew knew that that thing killed Sam and Jordan.
I called Andrew and went to the cemetery we saw a really tall bat, it was black and it was smiling, the creature looked Andrew in the eyes and Andrew fell down dead the creature left Sam's body down and said in a demonic voice "isn't that what you wanted?" it disappeared...I called the police, 3 minutes later police came and saw Sam's body and Andrew's body turned to dust, they arrested me and went to prison for 5 years.
5 years later I went to Jordan's grave and the creature came in front of me smiling with his glowing white eyes I asked it what does the SMS mean, it said "Jordan came with me and Sam went with him" I asked again "who is the other one?", it said "Angel" and dissapeared... I found a really tall girl she was wearing white clothes with big white wings I asked it "where is Sam" and it said "With me, somewhere better".
I went home alone and looked at the wall for hours... I was the only one that knew about the creature i thought i would be dead soon but it never came...
I had no friends, no family, noone
I visit their graves every day, I wish that that thing took me instead of them.