

My Curse

I have been cursed with a sixth sense. I see things others cannot see, it’s driving me crazy. Imagine being able to see a hundred different ways your parents can die, not just your parents but your friends, strangers both the ones you have seen and those you have never set your eyes on.
As a child, I cried for days each time I saw a revelation of someone’s death. And I cried harder when they eventually died. My parents were worried, they thought I was “mentally unstable”. That’s a nice way of putting what they actually told me.
I am the second child in a home of eleven children. My step mothers made it their duty to my make my already miserable life worse, they mocked me, beat me and sometimes starved me when I spoke about the things I saw. My mum could not look me in the eyes. Every time she tried she ended up crying her eyes out. It was obvious to everyone that I was an embarrassment, and it was clear to me that they wished for my death.
I watched my step mothers and step siblings die countless times that I could not differentiate their actual death from my visions. All I knew was that my family was reducing drastically. My father called me one day, and told me it was best if I moved away. He said he loves me but he cannot house a “witch”. He told me to pack my things and go to his sister’s house. I cried because I knew my father’s days were numbered and I would not be there to see him rot.
Weeks after I got to my aunt’s house I knew I was not safe, I needed to get out before he actually raped me. The night before, I had two visions. In the first one, I saw myself on the floor, he was on top of me. His eyes said it all, they were dark and filled with lust. He gave a wicked smile as he ripped my top in half. I struggled to push him off, covering my chest with the remains of my top. Getting to my feet, everything went blank as he hit my head with something hard. My second vision was the outcome of the first as I was heavily pregnant. My aunty cried and cursed me because I was carrying her step child or was it my cousin, I could not classify the child....the only name I felt classified the child in my womb was a...bastard. I packed my things and I went back to my father’s house. As expected, he was dead. I stayed with my mother and my step brother as they were the only ones still alive.
Going to school was hell, in the middle of classes I found myself screaming at something no one was seeing, during break time I found myself running from someone no one else could see. I was nicknamed “THE MAD GIRL”. I had no friends, teachers had given up on me and my mother was always crying. I managed to graduate from secondary school, that day was the only time I remember seeing my mother smiling at me.
University was another world entirely. At first I thought things would be easier but they were not, if anything they became worse. One day I saw something....no someone. As usual, my first instinct was to run and I ran for days. I stopped attending classes during the period. I locked myself in my room when I realized I could not out run the man I was seeing. In my visions, He usually just stared at me but this day he spoke to me. He told me not to be scared and He smiled at me, a smile that put me to ease. The next day I started attending classes but my body was the only thing present in those classes as I spent my time talking to my newly found friend. He visited me daily spending at least two hours with me. He told me different things and showed me different things too. One day He told me He loves me, those words made me the happiest person on earth. He did not stop there, He told me I was His “LOST SHEEP” and that He was happy He found me. He told me to open my door for Him to enter. He left after His last words. I meditated on His word... I sincerely wanted to open my door so that my new friend could enter, but I did not know how to. Days passed and my friend stopped visiting me, I waited for His usual visit but He never came. I do not know what I felt but it was close to depression, the feeling was worse than anything I have felt throughout my life. I could not eat or sleep, moving became difficult.
As time went by, I became a shadow of my past self, I was skinny, I had dark circles underneath my eyes. My visions showed me dying in several ways but in all of them I noticed I was not alone. One night I finally slept only to wake up to the sight of my friend with His outstretched hands ready to receive me, He called my name and asked me if I wanted to follow Him home. Tears dropped from my eyes as I gave my answer “YES”.

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