

Covet{Half Way Into Eternity}🥀
When Gabriel got home, Victoria was not there so he decided that he would just wait for her to get home instead of bombarding her with his excitement over the phone.

Two hours later worry started rushing through Gabriel that something may have happened to his wife. He called her phone, but instead got her voicemail, which had never happened before. 

It then dawned on him that Victoria would normally be home by this time if she had to go out. 

He had never been home at 6pm and not seen his wife at home. 

Which immediately started him panicking.

Countless calls later to family, friends, hospitals, police stations and to his wife's phone had him no closer to her whereabouts after two more hours had passed.

Gary had asked if he needed him to come over, but he had declined saying he was sure she would turn up soon and that he was just checking to eliminate all other possibilities.

Five hours later at 8pm when Gabriel was finally at his wits end, he heard the door being opened and turned to look at his wife in relief and shock.

"Victoria," he said finally, but it came out groggily. Concern and worry evident in this voice.

Not forgetting the fact that she may want to surprise him with the news is the only reason why he held off. 

"Oh hi Gabriel, sorry for being late I got held up at the store and then with traffic," she stated calmly, not looking at her husband. 

Gabriel came over and took the bags from her, heading into the kitchen, not sure what to make of the situation or her statement.

Turning towards her approaching figure he asked, "What happened to your phone. I've been trying to call you for the past five hours and only managed in getting your voicemail. Did you turn it off?" He asked with a small smile on his face, in an attempt to keep the slight frustration that he was suddenly feeling out of his voice.

"Why would I turn off my phone Gabriel? Obviously the thing died!" she scoffs, apparently upset at her husband's question.

Shocked at her sudden outburst, he quickly states, "I'm sorry, I..." He started, but Victoria only stepped passed him to the fridge. 

Taking out an orange juice, she slammed the door and headed up the stairs, leaving Gabriel surprised at her actions. 

After a few seconds, he determined that it must be due to the unfamiliar hormonal changes occuring in her due to the pregnancy, and sighed.

Sitting back down in the living room, Gabriel decided to give his wife a few minutes by herself, deciding that he didn't want her feeling overwhelmed in any way. 

Also giving himself time to calm down from the events of the day, not wanting his emotional state to get the better of him and upset his wife in the process.

Heading upstairs after fifteen minutes, Gabriel entered the bedroom and didn't see his wife, assuming that she was in the bathroom, he sighed as he started removing his shirt and shoes, pulling his belt from his pants, he finally laid down on the bed with his hand behind his head. 

After another fifteen minutes he decided to check up on her when he still hadn't heard the shower or any movement inside, only to find in shock that she wasn't in the bathroom either.

"Victoria, where are you honey?" He called loudly, exiting the room and heading back downstairs, but he didn't see her either. Deciding to check the guest bedrooms because there was nowhere else she could be.

Finding the door to one of the bedrooms closed, Gabriel knocked, but didn't get an answer.

"Victoria honey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just worried and it came out when I spoke. Please forgive me baby. Victoria, open the door please," he coos biting his lips, upset with himself for upsetting his wife when today was supposed to be a happy day with the news he had heard.

Not hearing anything after ten minutes of begging for his wife to open the door, Gabriel sat on the ground leaning on the wall facing his wife's bedroom door, not sure what to do next. 

Gabriel had never slept anywhere else other than with his wife since they got married. Apart from when he had to go away on work.

Finally getting up after an hour of constant calling and knocking, when he realized that Victoria was not going to come out. 

Putting it down once again to her hormones. 

Deciding to leave her alone for tonight to give her time to rest and ask her about the happy news in the morning at breakfast. 

Only it didn't go as he had planned because Victoria still hadn't come out of her room by the time he had to leave for work. 

And she still wasn't answering him. So he decided to give her space and wait until he got home. 


As Gabriel heads out to work, it was weighing on him that Victoria was so upset and it was all his fault. 

Deciding that when he reached home later he would surprise her by taking her out for the evening.

Walking towards the elevator after arriving at work, Gabriel's attention was caught by the front desk receptionist, and walked over to see what the woman needed.

"Good morning Mr. Forstye. There is a gentleman here to see you Sir," she indicated to the lobby where Gabriel saw a man in a long coat, a hat and dark glasses looking straight at him.

Gabriel didn't recognise the man, and had no idea what this could be about. And wasn't in the mood to find out either. 

Turning to the receptionist, Gabriel leaned over and spoke quietly, "Thank you Deloris," he said with a smile, "Could you tell the gentleman that......" But before he could finish advising her of his decision to have her set an appointment for the man for another day, he felt a presence beside him and then a male voice spoke.

"Mr. Forstye, good day. I know you don't know me Sir, but it is highly imperative that I speak to you urgently on a very important matter Sir." 

Seeing Gabriel's hesitation as he spoke, he added, "It concerns you Sir and I would implore the importance of taking only a few minutes of your time to explain," at which point Gabriel finally turned to the man, eyeing him up and down with a frown, not in the mood for anything to disturb his already agitated state today. 

"It has to do with you. Concerning your father Sir," he stated looking straight at Gabriel before looking around the lobby and back.

Squinting at the man's sudden revelation, Gabriel draws in a deep shaking breath, before directing him to follow, heading to the elevator. 

Pushing the button for his office floor, he waited for the stranger to enter, and ran his hand through his hair, contemplating how unstable his life had become, far from what it was a few weeks away when all he had to worry about was what to eat for lunch.

On entering his office, Gabriel indicated the visitors chair to the man and sat in his office chair. 

Sighing once more, he dropped his bag on the couch and took off his gloves dropping them on his desk, his eyes never leaving the man, finally asking, trying to mask his irritation. 

"Yes Sir....and who may you be?" 

Taking off his glasses, Gabriel noticed that the man's two eyes were different colors and that his hair was black with white streaks, after he removed his hat, patting his hair down. 

Looking back at him, the stranger states after a few more seconds, "My name is Bernard Gibbs and I'm a private investigator hired by your Uncle?" Mr. Gibbs stated calmly. 

Shock was immediate on Gabriel's face. He hadn't seen his Uncle since he ran away. He was living with his father and being tormented by his Uncle at the time. Feeling trapped and confused until he had finally given up and left. 

After putting his composure back in place, Gabriel's annoyance grew. 

He looked over the man and determined that he did look like a shifty character, someone that matched his Uncle's personality exactly. Someone whom he would most likely have around him. So on that point he believed the man. 

But Gabriel wanted him gone. But he was also curious what it was he wanted and most importantly, what it had to do with his father.

"And why would my Uncle need to hire a private investigator, who is now sitting here with me?" Gabriel asked politely, trying his best to look unaffected by the man sitting across from him. And not understanding the situation, because the last time he checked his Uncle hated him profusely. 

As he wondered in the back of his mind, how his uncle had found him and how safe he was now that he had. 

"Well, I may have found some information that may be useful in saving your life Sir," Mr. Gibbs states with an ominous smirk on his lips.

The statement, sending a chill down Gabriel's back immediately, causing him to pale and look at the man across from him in shock. As he thought, could this mean what he thought it did.
❇️Thank you for reading. Please continue to read the full story on Wattpad.🌺

username:::: greyinthemiddle

#mystery #thriller #suspense #covetousness #wattpad #betrayal #numinous