

Fake or true love
Chapter 2-Well the secret is that ..... I'm stuck inside my best friend novel which ranked top of the chart as the bestselling novel of the year ,well as she is the author of this webtoon ,but what sucks is that after my accident when I woke up I found my self in this stupid novel world and I am just a supporting character, not just an ordinary supporting character but an unknown character whose existence doesn't even seems to be bothered by any one .Let alone the main character. The description which I used in my previous chapter was based on my character story .Although the plot of the story is a typical kind of "Love story" where seven typical handsome brothers (protagonists)falls in love with the heroine (protagonist )during their 1st encounter 'love at first sight 'and there is the famous villian ( antagonist) ,who gets jealous of our heroine and plots against her and now you can imagine the rest of the story blah,blah,blah....But now the main question arises that why an independent woman like me had to get stuck in this so called stupid novel and that too as an unknown character who will die at the age of 25 when she saves the heroine from the crazy villain. Just 2 days ago I was promoted as the senior professor of our college as well as being the youngest professor of my country at the age of 21 I had achieved great heights in my career .My original name is oops sorry sadly was ...Charolet Wolf .I was a pretty decent looking woman,which I thought but guys would fall head over heels towards me.I Had no dating experience as such as I was engrossed in my own world of achievements and had no time for this so called love.People used to call me the 'hot nerd','ice queen' etc. On the contrary my bestie Anna cyrus she was in her own romantic fantasies. We were polar opposite to each other;while she had an extrovert personality ,while I on the other hand was an ambivert. She believed in love at first sight just like in a Shakespearen story of 'The tempest', Like look what seriously who had time for such a crap thing I used to believe."Love is a waste of time and energy " that was the quote in my dictionary till then ,but ( after a long pause).........not any more .