

Give It Some Thoughts

Come to think of it, isn't it a bit weird, a couple of days more and I'll be a year older, yet their is allot bout me to be known.

Strange, but their are something's bout me that's unknown to me though am the owner of the body.

Let's take for an example, I'm done with kindergarten, junior and senior high, but their is the thought of how best do I learn

Is it reading ( at times it's hard to comprehend all that's in a textbook ) is it listening ( as well as I tried to pay attention I do lose track of what the teacher or speaker is saying ) researching ( I'd love to to do research though its got to relate with something I'm into )

If it's something of my interest I guess all 3 methods suits well, but if it's not a topic of my interest. I still don't know how best I could learn.

Then I thought of my christianity. Am I a true christian or a...