

Awkward Friendship
(Based on my life)
(Real names of the people not included for personal safety reasons)

Lucinda and I were extremely close friends, though there was a sort of burden between us; a burden of silently agreed isolation, a burden of awkwardness.
We broke up over the summer after she decided we were too different to make a good couple. In all honesty, I agreed, but now there was always awkward tension hanging between us. She'd recently gotten a new girlfriend that she broke up with because, again, they were too different. When she told me this, I could feel myself tense up. It reminded me too much of what happened between us.
The partnership had put our overall relationship (friendship included) on the line, and I could still feel that the line would snap and Lucinda would leave me because she couldn't handle being around one of her exes that she was platonically in love with. I didn't want to lose the friend that had helped me get through so much even before we became a couple.
Every day I do my best to be her best female friend, but sometimes I feel too distant from her. I hope that in the future things are better. I'm working hard to keep this friendship intact, because it's more precious to me than almost anything else.

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