

Solipsism, it's called or at least I think it is called. You need a term to define everything don't you?
So it goes like this; years before, I used to get this feeling that I'm the only real person and everyone and everything around me is created from time to time as I go from place to place and they cease to exist once I move away, once I don't see them. Only me and my immediate surrounding exists.
Selfish eh? No, no, I'm not the only one to think this way. Years before when I used to think that I was the only real thing I came across a Facebook post or some post and on its comments section a guy commented this exact feeling, word by word as I would have described. It was completely out of context, unrelated to the post and there were people commenting on his comments that they too get this same feeling and they said it's called 'solipsism'. So at least I'm not alone or was that part of this design too? Too good to be a coincidence.
I forgot all about this feeling that only I am real until recently I started to get signs of its existence or proof! You know there is a limit to imagination, just like there is a limit to hearing, vision, olfaction and all the other senses and their perception. You can only imagine so much. So whoever is creating this world, my world, or the version of me that has created this me and my world has ran out of imagination it seems because the more people I have met, the more familiar the new ones seems to me. When I see strangers I feel like I have seen them before. Friends of friends in pictures, people by the road, people in movies, I see everyone in everyone now. To top that whoever I meet tell me the same exact thing - You are more like me, you can understand. I'm sick and tired of hearing this.
You know what's more astonishing? I'm starting to see myself in everyone too. When I see people's faces I see mine in them! I feel like I'm a bit of everyone and everything. I feel like this world starts and ends with me.
Slefish, eh?!

© Chintha