

I was watching a formula one race earlier today and these lessons struck my heart:

It's easier to keep running than to rise from a fall from a run. As much as you can, avoid a fall.

It is even easier to rise from a fall and keep running again than to stay defeated on the ground. Pick yourself up after a fall and get back on track, else some athletes running from behind you would march you to great damage.

A yoruba proverb says, "àdárìn ọmọ ejò ní ṣe kú pa ọmọ ejò" (the lone walk of a snakelet gets it killed). You need people around you to help fix you back when you're down n' broken. People that can leave everything else to see you get back on your race again.

Like D'Ẹmi would always say, "I hope you get, I hope it helped."

© The Dhramatikpen