

planet X Chapter seven
Eric, after a month or so, was almost back to his old self. He was still depressed and still blamed himself for what happened but, he was now eating and drinking fluids. Scott was still a little worried about him but, he gave Eric his space. Health wise he was better but, his mental health suffered from the loss.
That night, Scott came to bed as usual. Eric was still awake as he pulled the covers over himself.
"Goodnight Eric." Eric sat up.
"I love you Scott." Scott turned around.
"I love you too. You alright?" Eric nodded. He then leaned over and kissed him. Scott was surprised.
"Are you sure?" Eric nodded.
"I'm sure."
"You sure you're ready?" He nodded again with shyness.
"I'm ready." Then he kissed Scott again. They curled up together and made love until the sun came up.
The next morning they didn't get up until noon.
"Good morning sleepy heads." Said Emily, as Eric and Scott came into the kitchen. Scott smiled with a groggy look.
"Mornin Emily." He said. He sat down at the table. Eric sat down as well.
"Morning. Or should we say good afternoon." Said Eric.
"How you feeling Eric?"
"A lot better thank you."
"I'm so glad. What about you Scott? You look happy this afternoon." Scott smiled with glee. Eric blushed.
"You guys! Oh finally! Yay!" She said jumping up and down and clapping her hands. They both looked at each other and laughed.
"Wow. I never met anyone who got excited over something else having..."
"Scott! Don't say it!" Said Eric
"What?! Its a normal function! I just never seen someone get so excited over someone else doing it that's all." Eric laughed with shyness.
"Right." Said Eric.
A week or two passed and Eric began to feel sick to his stomach. This particular morning he actually threw up. He felt very nauziated all day.
"You alright?" Asked Scott, standing at the bathroom door.
"Yeah... I'm fine love." Replied Eric, flushing the toilet. He washed out his mouth with water and then washed his hands.
"You sure? You look very pale."
"I'll be alright." He said, giving Scott a kiss.
He walked downstairs and into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Emily sat down next to him.
"Hey." Greated Emily.
"You look terrible. Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay. I just haven't been feeling all that great."
"For how long?"
"A week or two."
"Did you get sick?"
"Yeah. Just this morning. "
"Has it been every day?"
"Pretty much. I hope I'm not coming down with something."
"Eric..." She said laughing with a little excitement.
"You're not sick..."
"I'm not?"
"No! You could be pregnant."
"You're having morning sickness. Sometimes even the father gets it. That's called sympathy pains." He looked at her funny.
"Your bodies going through hormonal changes. That's why you're getting sick."
"But I wasn't sick last time."
"You were lucky then. I have something for you."She got up and went down the hall to the bathroom. When she returned she had something in her hand. She handed it to him.
"What's this?"
"Its a pregnancy test. You pee on the strip there and if it turns blue you're pregnant. If it doesn't change than you're not."
"I see. Wait you what on it?!"
"You pee on it." He looked embarrassed. Saying it was one thing but doing it was another. She taught him an easier way of doing it by taking a small sterilized bucket.
"You humans actually do this?"
"Yeah. It's okay. It's a little awkward at first, but, at least you'll know if you are or not."
Eric nodded still looking embarrassed. But he took the test and went into the bathroom. He read the directions carefully and, using the small bucket, he followed the instructions. He dipped the test into the bucket and waited for the test to read. When it was time he looked at the test. He then quickly picked up the box and read the directions again.
"Emily?!" Emily ran to the door.
"What is it? Are you alright?" He looked up at her with wide eyes.
"I'm pregnant."
© Elizabeth Harris