

Personal Time
There is something so profound in trying new things. Taking a break on purpose to explore all there is in the world, and not get stuck in one place, in one mindset, in one room.

This last year has forced us into a place so familiar, if you want a deeper sense of change, one must now find it within.

Lucky for us we have technology.

At our fingertips we have change virtually instantly.

Whatever we wish to feel, we actually have choice.

Our feelings are not a reflection of our belief, they are a reflection of our habits.

It is out thoughts that stimulate our emotions, and mistakenly, I spent so many of years of my youth believing it was the other way around.

Finally knowing better, this global shift has brought us all an opportunity to look deeper, to think deeper and therefore, feel better if we only do it with intention.

The best way for me to do this is through my journal.

Everyday I have found love for life in writing, pen to paper.

But then I had a small awakening are realised, what got me started I must return to. That was my guide all along so I decided to start being open with the source of inspiration, in sharing and learning as I go.

© #growthfromtheinsideout