

The Day Of My Death
Narrator -Aster , the main character
Deep silence was in way of my room . Interrupted by feather white dressed woman her glory was a boon . She said to me in soft voice tune "You have asked for the death from our lord . God has given you few hours to decide again . If you still decide to die than don't reject" . By these words She disappeared. Before I decided to die I made a plan What my family will react if I die . I went to asked as Plan She said" Don't talk nonsense and go for work " . I went to my father and asked same "I have my little princess daughter". My last hope was my sister and She washed my hopes in no time and said "I wish It may come true " That Time I have made my decision and next Day was THE DAY OF DEATH .

What You think he took a right decision ?
© Ruhi Mutti