

Speachless Girl
One day at 7am there was a high school boy ,
he was getting ready for school and when he got to class the teacher said" everyone we have a new student " everyone was looking at her
and the teacher said "what is your name?"
she didn't say her name or anything she started blushing and felt embarrassed in the class.

so the girl sat down all sad and embarrassed ,
the boy was sitting minding he's own business but he couldn't help but to look at
her like as if he knew something about her.
the bell rings " ring ring ring " well time for lunch ! the boy's friend says all happy .

ugh the boy says I don't fell hungry right now
I probably won't eat the girl walks with her lunch sits down and just doesn't eat because of what happened in class , the boy looks at her and follows her home because they live down the same road .
she turns around looking at him wishing she could talk but can't so she decides to just turn back around until she finally got home , when she got inside the boy walks in he's home as well.

the boy lays down in bed wondering why didn't she talk today in class ? I just don't understand well..I better get some sleep or I'll be late for class which isn't the first time he kinda laughs about.

the next morning he wakes up to he's alarm
ugh wonder what today will be like ..
I wonder if the new girl will talk today
as he gets up and goes outside it starts raining with thunder he still walks outside , I hope the new girl does get sick from the rain .
as he keeps walking he stops and sees the new girl alone in the rain just still saying nothing ,
hey you ok he asks her ? she just looks down and doesn't say anything , well if you want you can walk with me to school so you don't get cold and wet .

the girl does it she actually ends up smiling at him and it makes him smile well hey do you want to stop and get a soda really fast before class? she ends shaking her head yeah to him .
he just smiles and gets two sodas for them both she thanks him by binding down
and drinks it own the way to school
well here we are at school now ready for class?
she just shakes her head yes .

durning class everyone stares at her thinking she will talk but she doesn't she stills fell kinda embarrassed but soon she starts to get over it
the boy says hey just because she ain't talking doesn't mean anything ! she looks at him happy for standing up for her , thank you she says by binding down in front of him.
they start eating at lunch together and he asks
I'm just wondering how come you don't talk it's been day two not hearing you talk will you soon talk?
she actually shows a sign of yes I will soon
as they walk home together they fell more closer to each other as friend's
well here I am home I hope you have a good day at your home today .

will she finally talk ? keep reading to find out you will be shocked !

next morning on a weekend on a bright sunny day she wakes up and walks outside and then sits down , the boy finally comes outside and sits beside her talking to her he saids you know if you honestly don't want to talk that's ok with me I promise you he says but I do wish you say something as he turns he's head
she actually says something!
he said what did you say in shock ?
she said I like you , I like hearing you talk to me and how you stand up for me you was really brave thank you for being my friend.
he was surprised and he said um...you are so welcome why though you decide to talk now ?
she said when I was little I always felt like when I talk nobody would honestly listen to me , he said what ! I would always love to hear you talk and they talked for hours and hours
and he said will you love to be my best friend ?
she smiles and said yes I'd love to
they both sit for hours and talks to each other

see friends are always there for each other
even if they can talk or not always be there for each other !

© Andrea Hogan