

"Good friends are forever"
we often come across various proverbs and idiomatic expressions associated with friends and friendship.it is said 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'.
undoubtedly a friend must be loyal,supportive and able to understand your feelings and emotions. A friend stands by you when you are in trouble!
advises you when u need it,motivates you,and helps to build your self - esteem.
it is very important that friends should be able to communicate with each others without any reservations,they should be able to vibe well even if they told hold different views on a particular topic.

is the duty of friend to limited only encouragement and co-operation? here,a friend has the most important role to play. A friend must be able to view your actions and behaviour critically and be courageous enough to tell you
where you have erred and where you need to re-examine
your decisions and rectify your mistakes such a friend will not hesitate to tell you that you are wrong even if you do not take kindly to the criticism. this constructive criticism will not only polish the rough edges of your personality but will also help you to judge yourself objectively!!
© TheUncoveredThoughts