

Doctor Andrew checks my vitals and starts talking to the nurses behind him. I struggle to hear what he is saying, “She just regained consciousness so she needs enough rest. Her blood pressure is on the high side. She still isn’t stable yet so don’t remove her oxygen mask”. The doctor walks out of my ward with the nurses marching closely behind him. I’m Laura and I’m 18. Yes I know, you are wondering why I’m in the hospital. I’m going to tell you why but you just have to be patient with me because I have to start from where it all started.
The saying “Life is not a bed of roses” doesn’t correspond with my life. I’ll say “Life is a bed of roses, with its thorns posing as life’s challenges”. So I’m narrating my life story from a coinage.
“Thank you mummy, Thank you daddy”. I whispered. As usual, I was alone at home. I opened my Christmas gift and saw one of the many things my parents could give me. A cheque of $10,000. I squeezed it and started crying. My dad is a successful business man and my mum is his lawyer. They were literally everywhere except the house they built, so I basically grew up alone not counting the butler, the cooks, the cleaners, my home tutors, the gardener and his son who is a year or two older than me.

I was on the balcony looking down at Tyson, our gardener’s son. He saw me staring and he smiled. I felt my face turn red as I scrambled inside.
The next day I told the butler to invite Tyson for tea. I spent hours looking at myself in the mirror. I sat at the table for hours waiting for Tyson, mostly because I got to the table hours before the set time and mainly because he never came.
I woke up one morning and I screamed. My bed was drenched with blood. I checked my body for any injury and found none. My mind went blank for 5 minutes before I realized that I had just gotten my period. I did not know what to do.
I walked to my mum’s room only to realize that she wasn’t around after knocking for 10mins. I cried as I made my way to Rita. The closest person I had to a mother, my mum included. She showed me how to wear a pad and how to clean up.
Weeks later, Tyson approached me and spoke to me for the first time. His blue eyes drew my attention as he walked up to me. I remembered his exact words “You look cute shortie”. I just stood there staring. His voice made me smile mainly because I could not remember the last time I heard a voice that wasn’t an adult’s voice. That day was one of the happiest days of my life, little did I know that he would be the death of me.
“Shortie, I’ve told you that you can’t sing to save your life.” Tyson said amidst laughter. Almost a year and Tyson still didn’t know my name. I asked him once and he laughed it off. We were on my bed watching America’s Got Talent. My life became manageable as I had someone to keep me company. After my classes, we spent our time half naked in the pool, on my bed watching TV or outside talking. There was never a boring moment with Tyson, he was easy to talk to, funny, smart, and observant. He brought me out of my shell.
My parents came home for the first time that year around August. Over the years I taught myself to stop caring because they didn’t care about me. But this time was different, they came home to tell me that they were getting a divorce. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, my dreams of having a perfect family would never be achieved. I always had hope that they would one day realize their wrong deeds. I waited for the day they would realize that I didn’t want their money but their love and attention. I cried for days.
After the divorce I got to stay with my dad. Everything was basically the same thing except that I had the opportunity of leaving the house twice a month to stay with my mum. My mum’s house was lonely. She was hardly ever around during my stay. At some point I stopped going and she never called to ask why.
My friendship with Tyson grew stronger. Looking back now, I realize how free I was around him. We slept on the same bed, ate from the same plate, I wore his clothes. Not to mention the fact that he could recognize my underwear from afar.
“I want you to meet my friends.” Tyson said to me one day. I told him I would love to but I was not allowed to leave the house. He laughed at me and said not to worry about that. That was the end of the discussion as he started talking about random stuff.
Months later, Tyson came to my room one night. “Shortie get dressed, I taking you to the SPOT”. I wore a dress that complemented my curves. I didn’t notice the lust in Tyson’s eyes that night. At the SPOT, Tyson introduced me to his friend group. Dave, Jaden, Lee and his twin sister Lisa. Dave was funny, Jaden was literally flirting with every girl present, Lisa was the definition of a party girl and Lee was well….more like the mature one. Dave asked me to dance, we danced, talked and laughed for what seemed like forever until his hands went from my waist to my ass. He smiled at me and asked me if I wanted to go somewhere quiet. I opened my mouth to say something but I could not find the words. He held my hand and started taking me somewhere, “Where are you taking her?” Tyson asked, his tone harsher than usual. Dave stood still, anger apparent in his eyes. I shrugged his hands off and walked towards Tyson. “What’s your business, Tyson?”
“Fuck you, Dave” Tyson said to his back as Dave left with a smirk on his face. That night when we got home, Tyson refused to leave my side. He stayed in my room waiting for me to clean up and get into bed before speaking. Tyson moved closer to my bed, “Hey shortie, did you by any chance give your number to anybody?” That was the first time I heard Tyson that way. His voice sounded different, he sounded nervous almost vulnerable. I chuckled “Yeah, I gave Lisa and one other guy I danced with” Tyson sat on my bed, his eyes didn’t leave mine “I’m sorry about Dave, I shouldn’t have left you with him” “Tyson it wasn’t your fault…” I was still speaking when Tyson kissed me. I pushed him off. He stood up and left my room.
“Shortie, you can’t be serious” Tyson said as I ran after him with a stick. Five years of friendship with Tyson had been wonderful. That night two years ago was the last time Tyson ever took me to the SPOT. It was also the last time I ever saw Tyson that way. He came back to my room the next morning like nothing happened and I went along with it.
Christmas came so quickly. My dad bought me a car and my mum sent me a huge check through her secretary. I shared the money and the car with Tyson. On Sundays he would drive taking me nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
One Sunday, after our drive we went to my room with the intent of watching a movie. I took off his hoodie, changed to my shorts and we got on my bed. Few minutes into the movie, Tyson kissed me. I pushed him and he held my hand. I had the sudden urge to laugh it off and act like nothing happened, until I saw his eyes. The look in his eyes were murderous, he kissed me again pressing me down. I struggled and he hit me several times before he had his way with me.
I found myself on the floor, everything was spinning. I think Tyson hit my head, the last thing I remember feeling was Tyson’s weight on me. Last year Tyson raped me, he didn’t speak to me for two weeks after that. He walked up to me one day, smiling like everything was okay, like he didn’t take my innocence that afternoon.
“Laura” That was the first time Tyson called my name. Tears dropped as I looked at him, he rushed to me and hugged me. He told me everything would be okay. The funniest thing was that Tyson never said sorry, he never even spoke about that afternoon.
After that encounter, I know you think I’m a fool for keeping quiet and letting him hug me. I know you think I’m stupid for believing that our friendship would go back to normal. If you think I’m stupid then you are right for thinking so. Tyson raped me four more times before I realized I was pregnant.
“Tyson, I’m pregnant”, Tyson laughed at my claim and walked away. I wept as I remembered the beatings I received from Tyson the second and third time he raped me. The beating I received were so brutal that the fourth time he came I didn’t put up a fight, I just laid there and wept while he had his way. Now I’m pregnant and he is laughing about it like my life is a joke.
Three weeks later, I decided to tell my father that I was pregnant. He told me to get dressed the next day. “Laura, you are getting an abortion” he said while my mum agreed over the phone. I got to the hospital and a month later, I woke up in the condition I am right now.
My mum is by my bed side, tears drop freely from her eyes staining her make-up. My dad is holding her while she weeps. I stare at them, unable to cry because I feel so dehydrated. My dad finally noticed I was awake.
“Laura, I’m so sorry. We are sorry for everything” my mum just nods along like a lost puppy as my dad keeps saying sorry. I try to speak, to tell them it was okay and the fact that they were here was enough but I can’t. My mum holds my hand, “Baby, I’m sorry”. I find the strength to speak, “Mum, dad. I…..I’m sorry for putting you through this…I didn’t mean to” I close my eyes.
I open my eyes and struggle to sit up. I look around my ward and realize it was all a dream. My parents couldn’t even come to my death bed. Tears roll down my face. My only wish was to inflict the same pain on them as they inflicted on me. To see them suffer the way I suffered.
In my present condition I still find it hard to regret the day I met Tyson. Although he’s the main reason I’m here, I’m grateful that he started talking to me in the first place, I’m grateful for the six years of friendship, I’m happy that I was able to make him smile during his bad days, I’m happy that I got to hear him laugh during his good days, I’m happy that I was able to give him a bit of pleasure. I know you think I’m stupid, I know my parents can lock him up at my request. I know I can make him grovel at my feet. But I won’t because I……lo…..Beep……beep…..beep……beeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

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