

Horrible, unpredictable moment
It is like a nightmare but it happened.Never thought of such a havoc but it occurred.Pleople would have to suffer and bear huge loss . Nobody had thought of and imagined about a cut off of transportation.
The picture is printed in mine mind .The collapsing Sikkim bridge, flood around the Tista Bridge.The rain water anguish and threatening as if it will eat everything swirling round and round ,dressed with dirty clothes,wrapping up whatever came along and obstructed it's way.Horrible thoughts striking in mine mind.The houses nearby the banks of the Tista river all washed away, many people became homeless within an hour.What I noticed at that moment was life is more important than wealth and possession . People were more bothered of rescuing their lives rather than property.
The question in mine mind is;" Why only the
Sikkim government was provided with funds ?";" Why Kalimpong was deprived of funds ?"People here are suffering so much because of the catestrophe,the unpredictable disaster, natural calamity created by humans himself.

Hopefully I think something will be done.Dead bodies of many people including the Army personal buried deep inside the debris and some carried faraway and found somewhere else.Some bodies still missing.

Buried deep inside mine mind some questions still unanswered.
© -Darshana Thapa