

mental health and wellbeing in my life~
Sorry I'm day late 😖 HAPPY MENTAL HEALTH AND AWARENESS MONTH! For this month I wanted to originally raise money for awareness to help people who struggle with mental health and wellbeing, but instead I wanted to share my life story of my life with my own mental struggles with my own health and wellbeing.

As early as I was in fifth grade and probably before I was just 11 years old I was told I was ugly a guy I was sexually harassed and sexually abused and assaulted as well as sexual molested by several guys in the in different grades as me. He told me to keep it a secret... unfortunately I kept it a secret for 6 years until I knew it was ok to tell my experience from that year. It was too late to have anything done about it.

In sixth grade it was the worst year of my life I was 12 years old I was suicidal and I tried taking my own life several times that time of my life I had bad grades and the teachers hated me I was bullied and I had no friends, the worst part was my only friend left me for her friend; because her friend didn't like me.

In ninth grade I left a school due to not enough strong enough punishment system in the school from mean guys and being bullied by people.

In tenth grade I switched schools was pretty unpopular and lonely all my friends I through were my friends didn't like me and never wrote my name on the board saying "I love Alyssa Danford!" I was an outsider and an outcast I was bullied and I cried after school sometimes

In April 25, 2016 my boyfriend died in a car crash

In March 8, 2023 my friend died in a house fire

There's so many more things I've been through alot and stuff I probably never deserved. It still baffles me how I made it so far in my life and every day I look back... and wonder how I did it and how did I get so far in life I guess I have a lot I battled with depression my whole life and I still do. I work hard to try to be happy. I wanted to take the time to tell people it's okay to not be okay and to reach out for help if you need it...it's okay to be vulnerable it shows that you aren't afraid to speak up if needed. It shows how strong you really are. Just know that your not alone in this life you live battle alone. People are here to listen love and care about you and listen to you. You shouldn't have to suffer and sit there in silence you should always be able to speak your mind and speak up. You are valid and you're validated so don't ever feel like you're not. Win over the war of being stronger 💪 than before and make it through till the end.

#goals #MentalHealth #wellbeing #strongereveryday #loveingyourself 💪♥️💯🫶🙏

Keep in mind that you can make a difference 😉

I love you all thanks again so much for supporting me though my years of life ♥️ #itsokaytonotbeokay shout out to my friends and family love you too all so much I wouldn't be as strong as I am now without you ❤️