

The old man
This is an incident of my life which I can never forget, no matter how much I try.
I was a small town girl, working in a big city. I couldn't afford a house in the city. So , I used to travel daily from my residence to office in subway. I always used to see an old man standing at the station. He never got on any of the trains, he just sat there,on a bench at the corner. He never said anything.
One day I gathered up the courage and went to speak with him.
"Um......uncle......can I ask you something?"
The man slowly turned his head in my direction.His complexion was deathly pale. His face was full of wrinkles. But what scared me the most was his eyes. They looked like there's no life in them.
The man smiled at me. He spoke in a cracked voice,"Want to hear my story?"
I just nodded,unable to say anything.
"It all started more than twenty years ago............."

TO BE CONTINUED..............
© Vivian