

life. and. death.
there is nothing more vital to human hearts than the question of life and death.does the soul die? do we cease to exist with the body? after death what happens to this life of which we are now conscious ? this has always been the most absorbing and the most perplexing of problems to the human mind.ages have gone by. now and then some one has caught a glimpse of the truth regarding it and has declared it boldly before mankind, yet to every individual it comes afresh.why? because this question is only solved by self- realization.as our hunger cannot be satisfied if someone else eats for us; similarly the knowledge of the self, which solves this problem ,must be gained by each individual for themself.it never comes through others knowledge or experience. the sages who have realized immortality,who know what death means, have answered this question; but we can only know that their answer is true by proving it through our own experience. whoever tastes the nectar becomes immortal;but no one can become immortal by merely hearing about it.

what good then these great men do us, if the solution of this problem is impossible without our own perception?they at least give us the hope that even in this life we can rise above death and gain immortality.we also get much help from them because they show us the way to acquire knowledge of the soul. but after the path is shown,we must follow it ourselves. we must work with sincerity,faith and earnestness to reach the same state as these great ones have attained,that state which is the goal of every human being. the effort must be all our own,and this is the reason why this question rises afresh in every individual mind. sometimes we may forget it through attachment to the transitory thingsofthis world; but however we may cling to our external surroundings sooner or later the problem is bound to come up. disease,death
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