

My Theory On ×Religion×
See it's clear to me that somebody way back decided they weren't gonna take the blame for their wrong doings. So they created hell and Lucifer. But in the same since if they did something right after doing wrong they didn't wanna look foolish so they created heaven and God. And thus the greatest fairytale was
created. But then it took off and now you have so many different religions and each one saying their the only ones and the right ones. See I know theres a place after death. I've spoken to the other side. And if the spirits of the dead speak to me freely.. How come your GOD hasn't done so?.. Thats right. I've seen the portal to the other side...but never seen your savior.. But Lets take the Catholics for example you can walk into confessional and practically confess to murder and get away with it. And dont get me started on the Catholic priest who gets caught sexually touching a child and gets a slap on the wrist and he says his ten hell marys and is free from sin...but let some wacko on the street do the same thing and you give the man 25 to life.

Seems like hypocrisy at its best.
© KleverWyatt