

"Let us normalise talking about mental health. Let us normalise feeling shitty and not okay. Let us normalise the fact that everyone goes through bad days.

We should not hide, we should not pretend to be okay, we should not feel guilty when our mental health is not at a hundred per cent. It is normal and therefore we should normalise it.

Mental health is a health issue, not a taboo topic. We should all be able to express our emotions, to say when we are not doing okay, to seek help from family, friends and professionals.

It is about time that we realise that struggling with mental health does not make us attention seekers, does not make us weak, does not make us hopeless cases.

In fact, pulling yourself through difficult times, being there for yourself and holding on despite the pain are signs of incredible strength which should be acknowledged. We. Need. To.

Talk. About. It. NOW."
Annie's positivity