

She was not feeling well . It was not a new occurance. Lately she rarely felt well enough to manage her life. Her friends and family had blissfully forgotten her with the statement .. ah Disha , she is a super woman. The occasional calls from friends were to share their travails. The regular morning pings from groups shared morning greetings. Whenever she tried to reach out to anyone, they listened half hearted. Disha never had problems that could not be handled by her.

Last week her estranged husband also called her for some topics he needed assistance on. Disha's mother was happy that despite whatever had happened between them, Disha still had good advise. Then her mother became busy with her own physical training classes. She called her friend later to say .. Disha may reconcile with Rakshit.

Today her best friend needed a coffee and would not listen to a no. Yesterday her aunt wanted her assistance to speak to her uncle who was not speaking. The only people who understood her were her sons. One were in Japan completing a technical paper in Chemistry. The other was in Africa for a conference of United Nations on a special grant. None of them stayed in India anymore. They did call and care but Disha knew while their care was real, their time and ambition took them to other lands.

She looked through the covers of a magazine she wrote annonymous articles representing the voice of the masses and felt a strange pain reverberate through her body. May be she should aclamatise herself with such waves more. Years of service and dedication found her alone today. She found a topic of interest in sculptures lately. Many years ago when her paternal grand father was alive , she had wanted to be a sculptor like him. She knew some of it too. But now a days all the focus was on drama and size and not on intricacies of a person when turned from stone to structure. Many of her grandfather 's creations had been abused. She tried sharing that pain yet other than her boys who rushed to her side after the incident , even her mother brushed it off. " He is no longer alive to see this atrocity. But you need to move on and love your life beyond stones.Even Rakshit will be good, he has changed. "

Yes she would want to move on .. away, far away from this heartbreaks but how. Today she slowly dragged herself from her bed and started singing a lullaby. It was a lullaby to a baby God. She remembered how she held her boys and sung to them. Will she ever do it again ?

It seemed soon a golden light spread through out the room and she was in the middle of it. It looked like the entire room was a cradle and she was the baby. Amazed she noticed herself shining golden. All her pain had disappeared.

In that golden light .. no human was in sight, no God too .. just an energy that said to her to remember the miracle she was. It told her to take up and acknowledge how stunning the world was ,that trees still flowered in this polluted air and birds still sang beautifully.

She sat quietly, feeling her soul .. it still had dreams that were radiating silver hope now. Hope only she could give. With belief and convictions but not necessarily without doubt , she stepped into the golden world.. The world wrapped her in and shimmered and disintegrated into sparkles.

It took a few days for people to realise she was not home. She had managed everything herself. Her adult children fumed from abroad at their relatives. They never gave back and only took. They needed someone to fund their tickets atleast partially. No one did. Her mother called some people she knew. But her younger son was to get engaged, so she tried to engage herself in the joy too. Rest wondered, police visited and no one found anything but the air sparkled in her room like a sheen. People started wondering about her savings and who would get all of that. Her husband had left the town after washing his hands, her best friend said she may have been disturbed lately as she insisted about sharing something. What .. she was not sure.. who had time to listen to anyone specially when her own pet had disappeared only to be found after two sleepless days.

Then her sons somehow managed and came down, they started a thorough search. They managed to loan money and get tickets and even had some to fund their search. In the room , through the golden sheen they seemed to see a world sparkling silver and a woman singing there swinging slowly in a swing. She sang beautifully , her face now looked relaxed , even her hands had not the usual lines.. She was happy singing songs of a baby God.. that she used to sing to them . They fell asleep till almost their teen to her voice. Today they joined to sing that back to her.. she looked up in joy.. my boys .. she whispered.. wanting to run to them. Then she looked around and smiled and said .. I will come soon.

They stood smiling as the silver slowly disintegrated into golden and then disappeared. Her mother was finally asleep. In the cupboard in the kitchen was her personal dairy.. it noted a cancer diagnosis .. last stage. May be the one who gave life , knew she deserved more .. may be .. the boys whispered. The room sparkled once again a mixture of golden and silver ..

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