

New home
Sister Becca's call seemed to have brought me back from my imaginary zone. For how long had I sat there?... I quickly fit my feet into my fancy rubber slippers and ran outside to answer the call.
"have you had breakfast yet?
She asked in a concerned tone of voice.
"No, not yet" I responded.
"Why? she asked.
I looked down and clutched my fingers behind my floral cotton dress.
For the past five months it hadn't been unusual of me to drift away- into my imaginary zone.
she patted my shoulder, looking down at my face.
"Hurry now, go eat, you mustn't be late" She said.
I looyk up at her smiling face,then I walked quickly to the dining hall.

I wouldn't want to offend Sister Becca. she's the nicest nun and all the kids love her, though she could be stern when she needed to.

Just a little while, and everything was going to change.
Would I embrace my new home if Sister Becca wasn't there?......

Pls I need your support to upload the next chapter 🙁🙏
it's gonna be long too
I need your comments,on what you think about it and,I would appreciate that very much😘
it really, really means a lot 🙏💙✨♥️✨