

Pop Culture ( from the Dream world paradise)
( Pop Culture just finished doing a show at paradises largest venue the universal world stadium 100 Million Gladiators showed up for the show) "Everybody sing along get those hands up I want you to sing along (the crowd started singing) F earth F earth F earth F earth F earth F earth we got the best life up here we are 900 trillion miles away from the S hole earth and we got the best of everything so suck it up humans Suck it up celebrities yeah I'm stuck up aren't we Malece (Malece was dancing on stage with Pop Culture) Malece replied "Yes we are So everybody lets live it up for the rest of the night take it back it'll be a fight cause we all know wassup we all know what's love so sing it". Pop Culture said "Thank you all for coming tonight and remember to choose love over hate that's wassup". Pop Culture said
"Good morning baby how are you". Malece replied "I'm great how did you sleep Pop". Pop Culture replied "I slept alright". Malece replied "That's great". (Pop Culture went and did a interview with Popular magizine) "Thank you Pop Culture for coming and hanging out with me". "So how has life been for you". Pop Culture replied "You know this is such a big world that I live in It goes to so many more people than just me its been good for the most part I live such a publicized lifestyle I could make the slightest mistake and they blow it up and make it seem more than it is". "Did 100 million people really show up for your show"? Pop Culture replied "Yes they did I mean you know how we do my fans the Gladiators show up in numbers they show up in love". Popular magizine said "but how much are your tickets"? Pop Culture said "The tickets are $1 dollar per person". Popular magizine said "Why are the tickets so cheap"? Pop Culture said "Because I know my fanbase very well and I know they will show up in numbers". Pop Culture continued "I mean what can I say I'm very loved". Popular magizine said "So how are you and your girlfriend Malece Walkins doing"? Pop Culture said "She's doing great we're just living loving life we're just living our best life". Popular magizine said "You made headlines when you didn't hold the door for a lady we saw the video where you was seen hanging with friends and you and your buddies walked into the building while one of your friends knocked one of the ladies on the ground the lady fell on the ground unconscious they had to call the ambulance and everything your friends was laughing We heard that you was laughing too". Pop Culture said "Here's what happened I wasn't laughing I actually told my friends to help her up and stop laughing at her they didn't so I told all of them that if they didn't go back outside and help that lady up I wasn't going to hang out with them anymore and I will place them on a Banned list of people who are restricted from coming within 500 feet from me or my shows". Popular magizine said "Did they do what you said". Pop Culture said "No they didn't I was imbarrassed but I couldn't go out there to help her up because I would be spotted and it would lead to a panic quickly but I heard she just got up and went about her day she just called them jerks and went on". Popular magizine said "I guess you gotta choose your friends more wisely ". Popular Magizine said "I suspended them indefinitely". Popular magizine said "So who do you hang out with now since your friends are gone". Pop Culture said "I'm cool with my girlfriend Malece Walkins we're cool together we go on dates and hang out a lot atleast we both got hectic lives and we try to hang out as much as possible". Popular magizine said "So what is maleces #1 hit Pop Culture replied "I would have to say lipkit you know this is my lip kit stick it on my lips looking like chapstick Fing on the hit list you know". Popular magizine said "Thanks for coming Pop". (The agency who is apart of pop cultures security detail X-1 Agent Fly Sown walked into his room) Agent Fly Sown "So sir the president has asked you to sign this legislation will you do it". Pop Culture responded "I dont know if I should I dont wanna do anything bad to the world if I get involved with this". Agent Fly Sown "I will let the president know". Pop Culture replied "alright". Agent Fly Sown "We need to do a threat assessment on you". Pop Culture responded "Why". Agent Fly Sown answered "Because we have received a lot of threats from other planets". Pop Culture replied "Oh really". Agent Fly Sown replied "Yes sir". Pop Culture said "Well then I want you too get the Comglomberant Weapon ready and fire it at said planet whoever it is about too get turned into a pile of S real quick that's just envy and hatred this isn't hype or anything like that The power that they give me I really will hurt somebody economically, spiritually, financially, physically in more ways that I can explain get the weapon ready". Agent Fly Sown "Yes sir I will let the president know". Pop Culture said "You know I got over 500 million followers on ZOLO you think I really care about what a bunch of losers who dont even live on this planet say about me F THEM! F THEM! I EARNED THIS F The president of the whatever it is called I got stuff to do We have weapons on this planet that could destroy their entire planet at one time. Agent Fly Sown "Yes sir".

©Pop Culture (From the Dream world paradise)