

Cliche (1/9)
"You may not know it but I've seen and felt emotions I shouldn't have. You did too. And yet we both chose not to."

Sometimes you wonder how things are gonna get and how it will affect your future. You just stare blankly at your ceiling thinking at how could you make people remember you. How you could make an impact in their lives. There can never be a neutral to being you. It's either you go up or down there's really no in between. Or so I thought before. Not until i met this annoying little creature.
He is never a cutie nor a handsome guy. He doesnt make me special nor make me feel excited when I see him. Its just that in every look in our eyes, we felt something unusual.
6'0. Bookhair (with volume ofc hahahah). Slim with muscles haha just making sure you get his looks. Anyway, he is normal, well for me. As of other girls, he is in their league. Whats in my taste actually. I remember when I was in 6th grade I like those who are cute stout and nerdy hahahahah they are just so adorable!!! Well for me.Again.
Back to the story. He is called Vach. Yah i know his name sucks when V should have just been the normal B for Bach. His parents just went out through the norm.
We had an awkward first meeting. In a circle, with mutual friends, we exchanged drinks. In my left I got no one beside me and then in my right is someone named Mac. We were then dared to do something like a kiss almost but settled with just nose to nose. He came along calling shots and Mac got so drunk and the audacity of a man!!! for me a lady to take him to his room! But anyways I can manage.
I laid him down and he dragged me towards him in bed, "please stay with me". I just then remembered that this whole drinking thing started because this guy right here with both his arms around my neck is having a hard time with his studies. School of Law sure does kills. He tighten his hug and then slept soundly, I couldnt move. I reached for my phone when his' rang. I answered with my might through my toes and managed to have it in loud speakers.

"Hey man! Where are you! Layla! her name is layla! I remember now!!"
--- silence got me. He's talking about me? Just who is this guy? -- I turned around to see a name and this guy sure doesn't save numbers.---
"Anyway man! I should ask her to have dinner with me sometime! Or maybe tomorrow? --- Hey you awake man? Or you drunk?.. Hello?"


He was talking about me. Hahaha he'll ask me to what? Dinner? Ew what a romantic hahahaha in his dreams! But wait, this man just wouldnt budge and Im slightly sleepy well I wouldnt have to care bout him waking up if its not his cute nerdy face ugh! So adorable to just let go.

*and the door knob just started twisting *all in slow mo!* wtf