Ann being disabled is a real disappointment to her, her being able before. Her mother is trying hard to boost her confidence again means the world to Ann. That's how most families are they love one another help each other. This man on the Express has her captivated and she think that she knows him but she's not sure. She told her mom that she'll let her know if she knew him the next ride on the Exspress.
On Monday she has no other appointments except the one with Dr Billing. It's been months since her boyfriend left her and now those interests has turned to this man on the train.
Who wouldn't have fantasies about a sweet looking man on the sound a train makes.
He's ideal her thoughts went strong and smooth not too selfie.
Her mind would stop, he stands there like that wall would fall if he leaned off of it. When she first saw Prance that big black horse it was him he came to mind. Those jeans fitting like skin her seeing crease by crease of the man form, in the not well lit train not exactly dark but shadowy in places.
On Monday she has no other appointments except the one with Dr Billing. It's been months since her boyfriend left her and now those interests has turned to this man on the train.
Who wouldn't have fantasies about a sweet looking man on the sound a train makes.
He's ideal her thoughts went strong and smooth not too selfie.
Her mind would stop, he stands there like that wall would fall if he leaned off of it. When she first saw Prance that big black horse it was him he came to mind. Those jeans fitting like skin her seeing crease by crease of the man form, in the not well lit train not exactly dark but shadowy in places.