

Rage on
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?

Beginning the dream process has become a wonderful daily nightmare of challenges. For there are so many challenges and choices to make throughout them all.

Fear may be considered as scary at times. However it could also be more uncomfortable to journey through difficult obstacles and situations. And I feel like this is a living nightmare that has made me understand the work that is required to continue working through this dream.

Nobody has ever described how difficult it could be to fulfilling their dreams. I always believed that living a dream meant happiness without having to spend energy on decisions or which path to decide to take. And the obstacles....

Yes the obstacles are unique within themselves. Not much difference between the opportunities that is not an ideal path. But may be the ideal path for someone else.

Living life on life terms is a true nightmare. Especially when all that was once known is no longer known! Unfamiliar things that are actually familiar within a different aspect is a nightmare that is often worth it. Even when fulfilling a dream.

No matter how imperfectly challenging this perfect dream is and no matter how scary or nightmarish the challenges are,"I continue to grow within towards achieving my goals."

© Bazilisk49