

Let's Enter Into The Magical World
Reading a book seems fun to some and a piece of boredom to most. And if you are in the boring category,I have a different perspective and thought about everything you believe is boring in reading.
At first,have you ever tried reading something?Yes,I know everyone of us have done so in our lives till present. But that reading with force implied (in case of course books) and without imagination is not what I regard as reading. Why you ask? A book with it's pages, words and letters is a world in itself. If you ever read a book just trying to feel it -it's setting, Imagine it's shape to fit in your own life, relate to it and hold on a character that depicts your personality. And I know you would always choose the protagonist no matter what! Don't worry I do it too as per human psychology. A book lasts only for a few hours if read but it makes a cavity of memories deep inside our heart that remains forever. A book never dies, reading never fades.Acquiring the art of reading provides a perception that life is a bed of roses and thorns rather than pieces of cake.
Behold that love, effort, affliction and passion which the writer bore and endured while writing that particular book. A book is a piece of clay been gifted by a writer or an author to you. Readers, It is up to you to mould it in any shapes of your imagination.Life is short, so is a book. So isn't life as same as a book?Yes it is. Everything relates. Everything seems perfect.Every single thing is tied perfectly in a knot. Between you and the book-a relationship which stays forever.
So the next time, you read a book, remember these points upheld by me and see the magic!A magical fantasy world awaits for you which I have entered and there by invites you all.
- Kongkona