

In his world (I surrender) - Chp VI
"I'm..... I'm so sorry...." I stood in front of him, panting for breath "I.....I forgot that..."

"Too bad Janet Murray D'Souza" He stood walking past me "You wasted 1 hours and 20 minutes and 45 seconds of my precious time today" He crossed his arms, I could feel him lean behind me "So...How are you planning to make it up for the time you wasted?"

"I'm sorry I...."

"Uh uh.....Sorry doesn't benefits me. I want something....Anything that would benefit me" He leaned towards my face "How about....Dinner?"

I shook my head. I have zero dollars in my pocket and he wants me to treat him dinner? No way.

"Are you short of money?" He asked making me frown. I was loosing it. There is a limit for everything. Him being cheeky was not good and I was at the urge of showing my true self to him.

"What's wrong princess? Didn't you hear me?"

I tightened the grip around the files that I was holding "Your right...I....I don't have money"

I heard him scoff making my blood boil

"Your treat but I pay. You can pay me when you get the money"

Hearing this.....I loosened my grip around the files and looked at him "I can pay you later?"

"Yes. It's your treat after all. I'm just lending you some money so you can pay me back whenever you can. sounds good?"

I nodded "I'm so sorry for coming late. I lost track of time and completely forgot about you and our schedule...."

"It's alright princess. Let's go have some good dinner yeah?" He said wrapping his arms around my neck. I quickly moved from him, giving a small smile.

Sorry Mr.Hot dude. I'm not one of those girls who drool over you.

Throughout our way to the restaurant neither of us spoke which was very much favouring me. I was someone who would keep things for myself and as Miss.Lilly said...I'm an introvert. I like being myself and love my personal space.
I'm happy the man respected it.
He followed me behind, 2 steps away and kept humming a familiar song, might be his favourite.

"Hey Princess"

I paused hearing him.

"This way" He pointed at an old restaurant which I never knew existed
"We can go to a big one.....I promise to pay you bac..."

"I prefer here. All the dishes are delicious in here" He said hopping inside the restaurant.
It looked like everyone in the restaurant knew him, he kept greeting everyone, including the waiters and the cleaners
"Whose that?"
One of the old lady asked for which everyone's eyes landed on me.

"She's Janet. My personal tutor as well my classmate" He winked at me.

I shook my head walking behind him. Everyone smiled at me, Showing the way for the seating.

"Here Miss. This is the best seat which has a clear view of the nature" The man in his thirties knocked on the window beside me. I turned around and....Wow. The view was beautiful. Dim lights surrounded by fog and buildings looking like little match boxes, everywhere I turn was dark but the moonlight shined on them like a pinch of glitters.

"It's beautiful"

"I know" He said holding my hand which made me flinch "The menu" He placed the menu card in my palm

I gave a small smile "Thanks..." I looked at the menu "Try this. It tastes so damn good" He pointed at a dish which read 'Crab Salad"

"Um.....I...I'm alergic to crab"


I nodded

"What about prawn?" He asked

"I can have them"

"Then prawn it is" He smiled plucking the menu from my hand "Hey Bobby. Two prawn salad with our signature dish, exclude crab in it" He lightly raised his voice waving at the waiter called Bobby who happily waved back in response.

"You....You can order crab..."

he shook his head "It's ok. I eat it everytime. I just wanted to try something different tonight" He poured the water in our glasses "Like it?"

I smiled with a nod. Truth to be told. I LOVE IT!

to be continued.....
by purpgrl 💜

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