

Dear Future self,
I hope this letter finds you doing well.
I hope you’ve let go of the trivial things that bother you about yourself, but find joy in the little things that have truly meant so much in life.
I hope you have confronted your inner fears, smashed your insecurities, let go of your inner doubts; I hope you’ve embraced your inner strength, committed your will, flourished in your ability to positively impact others.
I hope you aren’t afraid of finding out what others think of you, and instead actively sought out others’ thoughts and incorporated them into the weave of your life’s blanket.
I hope your dreams have come true, that you’ve lived life to the fullest and made the most of each day as you tried to when you were younger.
I hope you continue to have a desire to learn and grow, to never stop contemplating how you can be a better version of yourself, and to help others see what they cannot.hope you’re embracing feeling vulnerable, making connections, tending to relationships, and looking for adventures.
I hope you’re considering things you wish you would have told your younger self, and sharing that advice with your family and friends.
I hope you traveled and saw places in the world you thought you wouldn’t and made lasting memories with family and friends along the way.
I hope you’ve stayed steadfast in your faith, and trusted that He had you in his hands, always.

Until we meet, Future Self,

© 2020iamvanch