

Hell Storm
Boooom!! Is all she heard as she was rudely awakened one very dark cold night. The wind had been blowing and the thunder roared all night. As it was very difficult for her to fall to sleep hours before. "Great", she thought to herself now I'll never get any sleep tonight. She rushed over to her bedroom window and with hesitation she slowly open her curtain. What she saw on the other side most could not fathom. Something like she's never seen before. Of course in a Hollywood movie, but never in real life. She couldn't even describe in words what she saw. Tears began falling from her face. She just couldn't believe her eyes. Her heart melted in her chest. How was she still alive? She had so much fear that she could die. The sky lit up but not from Moon or the Stars. In fact they were nowhere to be found. Nothing but black stretch across the skies. It looked as if it was raining fire. Everything was ablaze. Trembling in fear, she ran and grabbed her phone to call the police. "Great" she said sarcastically "I forgot to charge my phone now it's dead." So without hesitation she ran for the charger that was connected to the wall beside her nightstand. She inserted and still it didn't turn on. Out of curiosity she turned on the light. It did not budge. "What in the world is going on?" She shouted, her words trembled as they left her lips. Swifting her feet, she truffled to the kitchen only to find out that her oven clock was not working as well. The heat was off and had been off for hours, it felt like. As the goosebumps begin to form all over her body and the hair stood up on her arms, she grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and wrapped it repeatedly around her as she struggled to stay warm. She heard a loud scream just outside her door. She had a very eerie feeling and her stomach begin to turn. What happens next, you won't believe.
© Marieb