

This article for marykenya touched me and loved sharing it with you my friends šŸ’œ

I want to be the girl who went for itā€¦the girl who decided not to settle for anythingā€¦I want to be the girl who was stupid scared to try something new but decided to go through it anyway.
ā€¦I want to be the girl who is truly happy, not social media happy, just genuinely happy. The kind of happy that is good for the soul
ā€¦I want to be a Warrior Queenā€¦I want to fight my battles and win!! Buuuuttt keeping in mind that I might not win them all. Iā€™m prepared to learn when I lose because in this life, you win some and you lose learn some.
ā€¦I want to be able to feel pain and let it go when itā€™s time because I realized pain is necessary for healing to take place.
ā€¦I want to feel loveā€¦love that is real, pure and genuine. Now, Iā€™m grown enough to understand that it has to start with me. I have to be the embodiment of loveā€¦and through the motions, I have been on a journey of self love that has just been amazeballs.
I am in love with who I am and becomingā€¦ Iā€™m taking in every aspect of who I amā€¦the good, the bad, and the ugliestā€¦I love it all and Iā€™m ready to make myself a better person because Iā€™m aware that Iā€™m not where I need to be buuutttā€¦ Iā€™m proud of how far Iā€™ve comeā€¦ I believe Iā€™m becoming an amazing human being day by day.
As I learnā€¦as I continue working on who I really Iā€™m, I understand that not every day will be sunshine and rainbowsā€¦there are days that will feel like horrible scary scenes from Game of Thrones or The walking dead but you know what! I know Iā€™ll be okayā€¦I know Iā€™ll kick ass crying and making the ugly cry face but I know Iā€™ll be okayā€¦ Iā€™ll be great!!
ā€œā€¦nothing lasts foreverā€ A voice echoes in the back of my mind. ā€œWhat can I take out of this experience?? What is there to learn from it??ā€ Weeeellll, I can only hope that I will follow throughā€¦ crossing my fingers* itā€™s easier said than done..jus saying.
I want to be at peace with who I am as a personā€¦I want both my mental and physical health to be top notchā€¦!! I want to learn something new everyday. I believe even the smallest thing can change my day or heck even my lifeā€¦
I value Independence and that is something I constantly work towards achieving. Now I know you might think Independence only lies in the Maanneyy!! The Mulllaahh!! But not really well of course I want to take private flights around the world and own my own mansion in Hollywood, but far from that, I want to gain mental and emotional Independence *Peace. I want to be a strong Lady!!
Lastly I want, to live my best lifeā€¦ life in itself is precious and I want to look back and say, ā€œYes I did my very best and did what I could and experienced everything, the beauty and the uglinessā€¦ I want to be great!!


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