

A broken drop of friendship
"What do you mean by 'our promise'? I have a life" I said, with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, you do. An amazing excuse for you to forget our promises" said my friend, Thomas.

Thomas and I have been good friends since childhood. Now we're fighting. A lot has happened.

A few Years Back

"We'll be best friends forever," I said.

"I hope so ! " said Thomas

We promised each other the same and gifted the memory bracelets which were carved with our initials.


"Just because we promised to be friends doesn't mean that I can't go after my dream or give up on my scholarship because of a stupid promise," I said with sudden anger.

"I'm sorry, What? Did you say stupid promise? Well, if you think that our friendship is stupid, then I think we should just end it" said Thomas.

"Yes, we should. If you can't support me to follow my dream and don't trust me enough to know that we'll be in contact then it's for the best" I said.

Saying this, I left.

After a few days

I totally forgot about Thomas. We haven't been talking ever since that fight. I regret it but I think that it's for the best.

The same day, I got a call from his mom.

"Hello! I'm sorry to bother you dearly, but Thomas isn't well. He's been admitted to the hospital for the past week but his health has not been improving. The doctors are not sure what's happening and they gave up hope. He won't be surviving for more than a day. Thomas just wants to be peaceful and he wants you by his side." said his mom.

I was shocked to hear this. I left immediately. I reached the hospital in around an hour.

"Thomas, are you okay ?" I asked.

"To be Frank, no. I don't have a lot of time left. I regret fighting and I just want to let you know that you made the right choice" said Thomas.

"No, I didn't. It was my anger that made me tell that our friendship was stupid. You're my only friend" I said.

"It was your dream," said Thomas.

"Our friendship is way more important," I said.

We both talked about our childhood days and laughed.

We were cherishing the memories and talking about our bracelets for five hours when the sound of him just faded away right below my eyes and the only sound in the room was me, sobbing.

I know that I'll see him again someday, and talk and laugh again. I just have to wait.

After few years

"Hello, Thomas! Thing's have been going really great.. But there isn't a day where i don't miss you. I know that you're no longer with me, but i just know that you are still listening. We'll meet again, one day. This is a Promise" i said, over his graveyard