

The Oracle pt. 1
Cassandrae Pierce pushed her ever-chilling peas and carrot medley around a full dinner plate. The Unicorn Medallion dinner was specially prepared by the Pierce family elven chef, Chef Anais Loriel, for her coming-of-age, birthday celebration. Chef Loriel was the most reowned chef on either side of the Mystic Mountains, and personal chef to nearly all the wealthy families in Delphi Garden Square.
Drae, as she was quick to correct anyone foolish enough to use her divine-given name, had enjoyed plenty of Chef Loriel's meals before, but not that night. She just couldn't stomach the idea of butchered and charred flesh- not after all that blood.
The Sight had come to Drae at a very young age. One of her first memories was a vision of a great fire destroying nearly all of FaeGarden City. She'd fallen deep into a trance as she felt herself sink into a waking dream, that had overtaken her innocent eyes. She'd seen buildings explore into flames and debris; bodies ran from the chaos, some set ablaze. She'd felt the heat of the fire begin to scorch her flesh, she's smelt the accurid stench of billowing smoke, and rancid bodies burning where they'd fallen in the streets.
The screams, oh the screams! The screams of fae she'd heard had nearly shattered her eardrums. The sound of it rang in her ears ever since that day. As suddenly as the vision had come, it just as quickly dissolved back into her quiet, sunny reality.
Drae had brought the the vision to her stepmother's, Mistress Minerva "Minnie" Pierce, attention, but had been igorantly dismissed as the ramblings of a disturbed child's overactive imagination. That very day, the Delphi News @ 9 had reported that FaeGarden City had been set ablaze exactly as Drae has seen. The cause had been rumored to be intentional; a shoemaking store had been set ablaze in order to collect the insurance. When Drae had approached her stepmother again, she was dismissed yet again, as merely a coincidence, nothing more.

Thank you for taking the time to read, hope you enjoyed! Don't worry, there's more to come!

© LaKeisha Hart

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