

What What What Im Am 🤔
There was this grave and it made noises
an the people was like what is this.
So they looked and they looked but
could not find where the noise was coming from.
Then they did this and it was weird
they searched the grave thank goodness.
And found the care taker under the
When they got him about ground and gave him some water. He spilled an said
some bad men said that I was not fixing
there family right in the earth.
And they said it should be you buryed
so how you like them apples. An they hit me over the head with what looked like a brum. And dropped me in this grave. An then put a casket on top.
It was horrible. An then they left me
here like that for 8 days no food no water. How could they try to have killed me. An left me for dead. Oh my mind just does not understand people sometimes. So they say well at least
we got to you in time. But what if you never found me oh it would have been
murder in a grave. But also why? was they saying I didn't not do right by there loved one. For it's my job to listen to my boss if he say do your work this way I do you know. But I do help people so I am not as cold as they make me seem. Oh never that cold to be buryed alive. Oh how could they put me down in a death trap an leave me
to be a voice in the wind. Oh again I am glad you came an rescue me. So on to the hospital I go right. So the ambulance come get him and they take him away. So the people and police think that he is safe right. Well no the
hospital put residents in on the buryed understaff man's case. An they didn't do a code of ethics job. Then the man died from his hospital stay and maybe from different procedures which they did on
his brain and body. And they did to many lumbar pictures about 8 and that could have caused other problems in the body. And that COVID shot to an already sick patient his cells had to fight twice as hard. An his body got well but then all that and them not letting him go for reablitation. Was weird then he took a turn for the worse. And staff I guess was over worked or just to many mistakes that could not help. So then I called that place where the body ends up. An the lady in charge said Your loved on is not here there is no death certificate. What? What?What? I cry this was a real man and we sent him to you. Now you telling me he not in you computer. What? So this conversation went no where? And About five times she told me he does not exist and that I must have the wrong name and birthdate. I was like you really are telling me you have no record of him. Oh this is bad. First the men bury him alive in
dirt under a casket. Then we send him
to the hospital to get help. And they was over worked and or resident doctors just fresh out of school not much knowledge of real life situations to help this man's situation you know. So we all at his old job are like how could they let this happen. So I cried and cried and cried , oh and am out of my mind to understand how all this could have happened. Oh people of the world I am still confused to this day. So now I think twice before people say you should go to the hospital. What?
They not telling you that you are going to a place that got over worked people.
Or that fresh out of school not really allowed to make critical assessment
over patients who may have other illnesses and need much more care then what they were given. Or just more seasoned doctors who been in the game for years then fresh out of school. In all my life I have never heard this happening but now I am like oh I am
just in shock that they stopped this man's clock from ticking. And then they say his clock never was over here to began with. People of India make a movie or book spread the word so that
something like this will not happen to anyone else. An then they are in shock confused and are like all they cand say is WHAT?
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