

"To be or not to be"? Something only the double minded, will question. There should be not any doubt, when it comes to the deliverance, of one's soul. After Eve was betrayed be the serpent, she called Adam, just as Juliet did! "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou, Romeo"? Has anyone ever married the two? A creation made to see if history was repeating itself. Each time Adam and Romeo where deceived. God said do not eat of this tree or you will surely die. (Adam)

In, Romeo's scenario, his father told him he could never marry into Juliet's family. The trick was in thinking Juliet was dead, then taking his own life. I'm assuming, they were not followers of his precious word! No matter how much the heart thinks, what the heart wants, God has his purpose. Satan always, try and reason but God must think of eternity! The wages for any sin shall be paid thru his blood. That is the way it has been since his crucifixion.

Just as Jesus Christ, didn't lean on his understanding but dead for his love of man! We can not always live and partake in self indulgence. For, there will always have been it's consequences. There are the Ten Commandments, as well as The Seven Deadly Sins. None of the are perfect but each shall first, (act, run and wait). It's sounds like the production of making a movie. The Bible is the script. Believers and none believers are the actors. God is the author. Satan is the director. The ordained are the producers. And Jesus is the editor.