

Love Story (Daily)4

She replied "Angry? My dear I'm your angel, your angel of love and I'm here to stay" Greg kissed her back, after a few moments the both of them entered the classroom. Both of them had a smile and Gregs face was covered in lipstick.

When I looked at his as face I was filled with surprise and jealousy at the same time. I wondered if I was dreaming this time as well but when I approached Greg what I was seeing was the truth. My best friend was having an affair with our teacher, the very teacher I had a crush on. I knew how to to get back at him and knew how to do it very well. After all he was doing this to get back at me and I knew it for sure.

He was in relationship not so long ago, he presumes this so called double dating at that time wasn't the reason. It was rather me leading both of us his love to the same coffee shop. There the both of us were having a casual drink of coffee.

Time passed by we were now in college but to be true I never forgot what he did in high school. I was surely to get back at him, what the poor goat didn't know was I in touch with Miss Stacy, very very closely all this time.

I knew no matter what she said to him, I'll always be her favorite student. Greg was just a necessity, life was going well after all a new love had aroze in my life. Her name was Sue just a year younger and in my class. She was perfection to the core, I decided now was time to meet Greg and Stacy. I was calling him after almost four years but I knew everything that was going on thanks to Stacy.

As I dialed his number, Sue came and sat next to me. I decided to take advantage of this. The phone rang but no response, I tried again and finally Greg picked up the phone. In a low voice I said "Hello, Greg I that you?" his voice shuddered then in faint voice he replied "Yes, it's me. Can we meet somewhere just the both. Only the both of us." "Sure, just tell me where to meet" I asked "High school, normal time" he replied.


©Prince Parulekar

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