

My Alma Mater's Gifts..
Just recollected some random pearls of wisdom, attained from Profs, during Post-Grad..
1. Cinema dumbs down its audience..
2. There is bastardization going on in the country..
3. Brazilians have the highest number of average sex-partners of all the people in the world.. Thirteen, to be exact..
4. Mahatma Gandhi would sleep naked with his nieces, to test his chastity and uprightness..
5. Don't do Journalism, if you wish to be into reckless money-making.. There is no money in this field..
Consider studying Journalism, it tells you a lot about the world that we live in..
P.S.: In class of 160 persons, I don't know who needed all this info.. Nevertheless, posting it here in the hope that someone some day will be able to make sense of it.. Such is true education, I guess, making us think, opening our mind, clearing the cobwebs therein..