

Story of 5 enemies
Once a day i found that I was control by someone .My concious was not in my control and my concious always do what the 5 enemies tell to do . and due to this reason I was always sad and overthinking too much in my life because My concious was not in my control it is in the hand of 5 enemies. Now the question came who is this 5 enemies. They are 1. Desire 2. Ego 3 . Greed
4. Anger 5. Attached . Yes they are 5 enemies or thief who sit in our Subconscious Mind and they tell us to do bad things in the form of Thought to concious. For eg if some one tell you some I'll words your thief No 1 get active that is "EGO" and ego pass the message to concious that react he is taking your respect and at last we respond to that person instead remaining calm Now what about 4 enemies. For eg if something not according to you your next theif get active that is "Anger" . Anger always tell you force someone that he / she accept your order on the form of anger .3 Desire : Desire is the head of this all thief he always tell you to force other gender according to his/her desire so it is very danger thief and to make your soul kill from inside is the main master plan of this Thief . 4. Greed : He is funny thief of all four one for eg he always produce exceptatio in you before you some good deed for others or to help others he tell you to get help from others 5. Attachment: He is very emotional thief and he always come when two persons come close with each other he always produce impulse that never leave or I can't leave without that person and he come in the form of cry, laugh ,care etc so person having this 5 enemies cannot leave spritually the cut short method to control according to my experience is very simple but is come in next episode..
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- kawaljeetsingh Hoda

© Kawaljeetsingh Hoda