

New year
Dear New Year,
It's been a long year or I would say it felt like long time. But it wasn't bad. Like other years this will end too, but in a good way.

Each day, week, month has its own new beginning and learnings. Some days were not so good. And some of them was excellent. Some made me cry and some made me felt alive.

In this hustling life some time we forget to live for ourselves and for our dear ones. Some incidents makes us realize that people and moments won't last long so enjoy each day.

Many pain and aches are still there. Time will heal them too, but the scars will be there to makes us remember what we've been through and yet survived.

The core strength is urself only. Noones going to be there for you all the time. It's only you for urself. Don't be so harsh on yourself. Let it go.

I feel envy of those who forgets things easily cause I can't. It just goes on and on and on in my mind and heart and it kiss u inside. But I'm learning. Learning to let go and take life as it comes.

I wish this year makes me a bit more stronger then last year. let's wish that the hope and the year keeps us going.

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