

Love marriage or arranged marriage
Both have its own pros and cons.In love We can understand that person .It is said that its our thought or a completely misunderstanding.Love is blind.Its a truth.We fall into them just because there'll be something connecting us to them.But thats only one of our story.our happy face ,our sad face ,our anger face and so more .We do have different faces and do have different stories.Love is just one of them.It is a connection between two person or any other creature .I mean love is not only in human boundry. It will have no limits until marriage. and after that we began to think of getting rid of one.we cant tolerate sometimes.Going on with Love life is better .But marriage life may wont have all those beautiful moments we dream about.Ofcourse every is love is not the same.only a few will lead a success life through understanding.If we find a weirdo just like us ;our character,then it will be the best choice we can make.
In arranged marriage ,parents find the one for us and for their happiness we will be ready for anything.nd we try to make the bond stronger and make trust eachother.We will overcome every situations like we try our maximum and tolerate and will make a kind mind.May be couples will have a better life.But sometimes its a kind of lock and only in rare situations.

[Its just a tiny little opinion .Dont take seriosly]

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