

"GRANDMA!?",Naomi gasped in shock."Do you know each other?",Conner said."If so I have nothing to do with her!",he said putting his hands up beginning to ramble."I told her not to doyet who listens to me so what did I do.....I had to follow her.....",he rambled. Rolling my eyes trying to cover the tears in my eyes I ran up to my grandma hugging her super tight."I'd thought I'd never see you again", I whispered through tears. "Never say never child for fate has brought us together, my grandma said hugging me more tightly."We have so much to catch up on!", grandma said. "But, of course tell me what in barney's name are you doing here?I can only assume the worst.",she said tilting my chin up to her eyes. She used to always do that when she tried to figure out things I say or do."I got into a car accident ", I said embarrassed by my immature behaviour."So that explains why your here especially in this room. Since its it's the only room where you can go home. ", grandma said. "Who's this guy?",grandma whispered to me just noticing he was there. "He's my accomplice- although now that I say it it sounds kinda bad", I said with a guilty expression. "So I assume you know the consequences if you get caught?", grandma said in a worried tone pacing back and forth."No turning back now I said ",with a shrug.shrug.Welcome to the H.E.A.V.E.N corps!",grandma said opening the doors toa room titled H.E.A.V.E.N corps. All of us gasped even grandma and even she's been inside before. Inside the walls were coated with hundreds of paintings of men in suits real men not ghost men."These are the descendants of god",grandma said presidents H.E.A.V.E.N corps."Wow who knew there could be so many paintings in one room!",I said in amazement. The floor was a shiney gold silver with slanted tiles.tiles.there were hundreds of levers,buttons,and devices in a mini circle."so what does H.E.A.V.E.N corps mean anyways?",naomi asked surveying the computer which had different location teleportation systems on them . "It means heavenly,earth,as,very,enriched,network. ",grandma said tears coming to her eyes."What's wrong grandma!", I asked."Its just that ....this will be the last time I ever see you again. I will never see you again", grandma said realization dawning upon her. "No grandma one day we will meet again never say never grandma", I said kissing her on the cheek."The portal is open and ready!", Conner said as he pressed some buttons and pressed begin."See you soon grandma I love you!", I said tears rolling down my cheeks.cheeks."Untill I see you again",grandma said as I dissolved into nothing being transferred to present time.

© kbkma1917