

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 3//
Disclaimer: I did this chapter early because im bored hehe >:) enjoy!

Im on Cols team! IM GOING TO EMBARRASS MYSELF! I hate volly ball so much and he- omg he looks so good at thi- "Watch out" Mr. Gib screamed. The volly ball came rushing towards my face! I litterally froze! Col jumped right in front of me, then he pushed me from getting hit in the face with the ball. "oof, you didnt have to do that!" I said. Why the heck would i say that i could have at least thanked him! "Well i tried to save you, you could have got spicked in the face!" he said in a worried look. ;-; I felt really bad for snapping at him. "Well thank you, i mean i would say i could have got a bloody nose if you didnt come and save me.." I said thankfully. What the heck.. I can't believe that im talking to him, im so stupid. "RI___NG!!!" The bell rang. Well I guess its the end of the day.. sigh. "here let me help you up." Col said with a smile. What the heck am i about to touch his hand.. Um okay then.. "nice grip you probably work out :)." Col said. "Uh.. yeah i kinda do.." I said. Somtimes after school I go to the gym to work out, its weird that i never seen Col there. "Well ill see you tomorrow mab-." I said. "can we exchange numbers..?" He asked. Wait did you guys here that...? "Uh sure.." I said confused. I gave him my phone and he gave me his, we put our numbers in each phone. "We can be friends.. Right?" Col asked. "Yeah, you seem nice." Wait we are friends now.. what the heck, im confused. Why would he want to be friends with me.. That means he's my only friend.. well it would be very nice to have a friend around. "so are you free the weekend?" Col asked with his hand scratching the back of his head. "well im free on Saturday.." I said. What the heck am i doing.. "Um okay well ill see you then.." Col said. "Bye!" I said. I left to my bus, my worst nightmare. I hate that bus. I walked in holding my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. "Go sit in seat number 1." The bus driver mumbled. Ugh I have been sitting in that seat since 4th grade after what i did. The bus stoped at my stop. I walked home and did all my home work and looked at my phone. I saw Cols number and my face turned red, I completely embarrassed myself and now I have to go somewhere with him on Saturday, What a world i live in.. ;-;