

Marriage at Cana
When the Son of God lived amongst men
There was a wedding at Cana
The son of God was there
With his mother and students
The bride danced saying
"How worthy I'm, for the Son of God has come to bless my union"
"Eat and be filled"
"Drink and make merry, there's wine in the barrels"
But the servants tarried in serving the guests
So Simon said,
"Does it please you to delay the Son of God"
"When shall you serve him wine"
"Son of God, do not be angry we pray thee"

So the servants rushed to the steward and said
"What shall we do, the wine is out and the Son of God hasn't been served"
"We need more wine"
The steward called the bride and said "thirty gallons of wine we served, but the Son of God is yet to be served, your guests are leaving"
"We need more wine"
The bride broke down weeping
"And people shall say the Son of God came to her occasion but wasn't served, cursed be this day"
The mother of the son of God saw the bride, so she said to the son of God "They need more wine"
But the son of God replied "Woman what has this got to do with me, trouble me not for my time is yet to come"
"Do as he says" his mother said to the servants

Now six stones of jar stood
"Fill 'em up to the brim with water and take some to the steward to taste" said the Son of God
When the steward tasted the water now turned wine
He pulled the bridegroom aside and said
"Every man serves the good wine first, but you've kept the good wine until now"
The servants wondered
"What Alchemy has he done for it was water we drew into the jar not wine"
And when the guests tasted the new wine they said "Why have you kept the better wine until now when the guests are about to leave?"
"Bring some more, for we need more of this wine"
His students saw the sign and believed him and called it the first sign
So as they left one of them said
"Son of God we're gonna need more wine"

John 2:1-11