

The Yellow Door...
(Part 10) The Key

Lucinda is startled awake by the sound of bats. It was dawn. It's been a long time since she slept so well. That ever-haunting dream had even deprived her of sleep. She woke up and looked around. she does not see the person who was with her yesterday. She came out of the church. She searched for him. Lucinda..., she looked back at the call. It was him. Were you looking for me? he asked. Yes.., she replied. I went to get some food and water. Only fruits are available here.., so eat this to satisfy your hunger.. He handed her the fruits and water. She accepted it. Being very hungry, she started eating it. She handed him some fruit.., eat with me.... she said. No.., I won't eat any of this he replied. She didn't ask anything more. She ate it. After that she asked. what is your name? Eric..he said. Has your fear of me changed? he asked. She didn't answer. How did Eric get here? she asked. I belong to this place. This is my village. He said. shouldn't everyone is escaped from this place and they all living in Downham?then Didn't you go with them? she asked. He smiled and said, I can't go there because this is my home, my place. Looking at his face with awe, she asked, have you been living alone in this village for so long? Did you think I was alone? he asked. She looked at him suspiciously. Why did you ask that? So many people still live in this forest? she asked. He just smiled and entered the church. Answer my question... she said walking behind him and pulling him by the hand. You want a lot of answers right? But I don't have the answers you need... he said. She got very angry so she didn't say anything after that. He looked at her and asked, are you angry? I didn't just say that. The answers you need are within you..., in your eyes.... It will soon appear in front of you. Then all your questions will be answered. Later you can decide whether you want to go to that palace or not.... And saying this he went out. She followed him. Can you answer me at least one question? she asked. He shook his head. Is that the person in the palace that you keep talking about? Yes it is him. He said. Is he human then? Is he evil? Is he the one who killed everyone? she asked. He said with a smile, one question and one answer and I have given it. Is it good to ask a lot of questions? he asked. Lucinda said nothing. Walked behind him.

What should I do to recover my memories? she asked. Then, come with me..., I will bring you back to your memories.... But you must have the patience to face them. She agreed. She followed him to a large library. They opened its door and entered. She felt as if she had been transported into a world of many intertwined spider webs. She looked around. A whole world of books opened before her. She, who loves reading so much, was overwhelmed with happiness. Lucinda.... Eric called her. She looked at him. What are you thinking about? Come with me..., he said. She walked forward with him. She took the sight in her heart with curious eyes. She marveled at each step forward. Eric smiled at her surprise. You still have more sights to see. So you want to be so happy with this little sight? he asked. I like books very much. I am really happy to see such a big library. she said. Enjoy as much as you want.... Saying this, he started climbing up the curved steps. She followed. They entered a large room. There were no books there. She noticed a box sitting in a corner. He went to near it.he slowly opened it. He took out a book from inside it. He handed it to Lucinda. Then he said, this is the key to your answers and from this you will get all the answers. But remember, you must be prepared to face your memories. She nodded her head in agreement. Then he tried to open the book. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open it. She looked at him helplessly. He said, your eyes are your answer. Use your eyes..., that book had a picture of two eyes on the cover. She stared at it. Suddenly the book was opened in front of her. Her eyes closed in the light that emanated from it. Gradually the intensity of the light decreased. She tried to read it..

© enigma🦋
#story #vampire #fantasy